List of open opportunities Archive
4 Research Initiation Fellowships (BII) in the field of Asteroseismology

Ref: IA2022-02-BII

The Centro de Investigação em Astronomia/Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP) opens a call for four research initiation fellowships (Bolsas de Iniciação à Investigação - BII)  in the field of asteroseismology at the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA).

The Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) is the most prominent research unit in the field of Astrophysics in Portugal, integrating researchers from the University of Porto, Lisbon and Coimbra, and is responsible for a major fraction of the national productivity in international ISI journals in this area. The research and development efforts at the IA include most of the topics at the forefront of research in Astrophysics and Space Sciences, complemented by work on instrumentation and systems with potential use in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The positions are offered in the context of the project “Breaking through outstanding problems in stellar evolution with ultra-precise space-based photometry (BreakStarS)”  funded by FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) (reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030389), and by Portuguese funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (reference PTDC/FIS-AST/30389/2017), under the following conditions:

1.- Scientific Area: Astronomy and Astrophysics

2.- Requirements for admission:  The applicants must:

    a.) be enrolled at a professional higher technical course, at a bachelor degree, at an integrated master or master degree, or to have a bachelor degree and be enrolled in a course that does not award an academic degree and is integrated in the educational project of a higher education institution;
    b.) not exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of one year in this type of fellowship, continuously or with interruptions;
    c.) not have previously benefited from any other research fellowship funded directly or indirectly by FCT, given under the terms of the Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação e Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação.  

Only applications from candidates having an adequate background in Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, or other relevant domains, will be considered.

3.- Additional optional skills and qualifications: The candidates must have some basic programming skills.

4.- Work plan:
The successful candidates are expected to carry out research on projects related to the development of tools for exploring data from asteroseismology. Specifically, the four projects will be focused on the following three topics:

   1) the development and application of a tool to determine stellar masses and radii from scaling relations for acoustic modes, to be considered for the pipeline of the PLATO/ESA space mission;
   2) the development and application of a tool to extract information on the internal structure of stars with gravity modes, to explore data from NASA space missions (Kepler/K2 and TESS);
   3) the development and application of tools to model the mixed-mode pulsations in evolved  stars, to explore data from NASA space missions (Kepler/K2 and TESS).

5.- Legislation framework:
The fellowship contracts will comply with Decree-Law nº 123/2019 de 28 de Agosto - ''Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação'' in force [https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/estatutobolseiro] and Regulamento nº 950/2019 de 16 de Dezembro de 2019 - ''Regulamento de Bolsas e Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia'' in force [https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml.pt], and CAUP Fellowship Regulation (available at www.astro.up.pt/documentos/CAUP-RegulamentoBolsas.pdf).

The fellowship holders' functions are carried out under a scheme of exclusive dedication, in accordance with the terms established in the Research Fellowship Holder's Statute (Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação). For more information, see in particular article 5 - Performing Duties [https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/estatutobolseiro].

6.- Monthly allowance:
According to the FCT table values [http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores], the monthly allowance will be €446,12 (tax free) and will be paid monthly by bank transfer.

The fellowship holders will have a personal accident insurance, and can ensure the right to social security through adherence to the voluntary social insurance  scheme, if not covered by any other social protection scheme, pursuant to Código dos Regimes Contributivos do Sistema Previdencial de Segurança Social.

7.- Place of work: The work will be developed at CAUP (in the Porto node of the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço), Rua das Estrelas, 4150-762, under the scientific supervision of Dr. Margarida Cunha and/or other members of the BreakStarS project.

8.- Fellowship duration: The position has a duration of 2 months, and it may be renewed, subject to availability of funds, so far as it does not exceed the end date of the project.

9.- Application: The application must be submitted through the web form indicated below, and it must include the following information/documentation:

   a.) Cover letter with a brief description of the candidate's experience and motivation;
   b.) Curriculum Vitae describing the academic curriculum and research experience (up to 4 pages with at least 10pt font size) and a separate list of the completed curricular units with the respective marks;
   c.) Proof of enrolment at an academic degree course or at a course that does not award an academic degree;
   d.) Academic degree certificate, where applicable;
   e.) Declaration on honour that the applicant does not exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of one year in this type of fellowship, continuously or with interruptions, and has not held any other fellowship directly or indirectly funded by FCT, attributed under the terms of the Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação e Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação.

The documents that prove the entitlement of the academic qualifications and diplomas, or the proof of registration in the academic degree or diploma, can be dismissed during the application period and replaced by a declaration of honour from the applicant. Their delivery is mandatory at the time of signing the contract.

The declaration referred to in e.) can be dismissed during the application period. However, its delivery is mandatory at the time of signing the contract.

In the event that the degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, that degree must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16th August (approves the legal regime for the recognition of foreign higher academic degrees), and all formalities established therein must be complied with up to the date of hiring.

Applicants are advised to check the website of the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES) for further information: https://www.dges.gov.pt/en/pagina/degree-and-diploma-recognition. Also can check information on the website of University of Porto: https://sigarra.up.pt/up/en/WEB_BASE.GERA_PAGINA?p_pagina=1005819.

10.- Deadlines: This call for applications is open from 19 january to 1 february 2022.

11.- Selection criteria and evaluation: The curricular evaluation of the candidates will be done based on:

   a.) (10%) Cover letter with a brief description of the candidate's experience and motivation;
   b.) (70%) CV, considering the degree and the previous academic training, including outcomes and contents of completed curricular units and the relevance of that training for the topic;
   c.) (20%) Relevance and adequacy of previous research experience to the work plan, the priorities of the project, the team, and of IA.

An ordered list of candidates will be defined by the selection committee based on the submitted documents and the criteria mentioned above.

12.- Selection Committee:
Tiago Campante (chair)
Vardan Adibekyan
Ângela Santos
Mário João Monteiro (alternate)
13.- Awarding of the contract:
Following the evaluation process, the fellowships will be offered according to the ordering list proposed by the selection committee. The positions will be granted only if suitable candidates are identified. Only candidates with a minimum grade of 60% will be accepted. All the candidates will be notified by e-mail, sent by the call holder.
14.- Time limits for the appeal procedure:
In case of negative decision, the candidates have 10 working days, after the date of announcement of the results of the candidates’ evaluation, to pronounce their disagreement through the e-mail jobs@iastro.pt and to the Chair of the Selection Committee (Tiago.Campante@astro.up.pt). Appeals against the final decision may be submitted to the Executive Board of CAUP (direcao@astro.up.pt) within 15 working days after the notification date.

15. - Non-discrimination and equal access:
CAUP promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, thus no applicant candidate may be privileged, benefited, damaged or deprived of any right or exempted from any duty. This includes ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnicity or race, land of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs, or trade union affiliation.

Publication date:
18 january 2022

The period for application submission has ended for this opportunity.
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia