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NLTE Workshop 2023

With the new generation of radiative transfer solvers and spectropolarimetric inversion codes, we are now able to synthesise and invert NLTE spectral lines. This allows us to synthesise observations using realistic MHD simulations or, using observation, extract information about the temperature, the velocity, and the magnetic field vector at different layers of the solar atmosphere starting from the photosphere until the chromosphere.
Although the currently available codes are reaching a high level of maturity, several aspects are still open to improvement and discussion.
In this workshop, we will discuss the advantages and limitations of each code and possible improvements that are planned or need to be addressed.
Attendance in this workshop is limited to 50 participants and is by invitation only. In case you are interested in joining, please get in touch with the organization.

-Multi-dimensional inversions with scattering
-Importance of NLTE hydrogen ionisation for temperature inference
-Non-standard atmospheric and perturbation parametrisation
-Flare inversions
-Temperature-free chromospheric inversions
-Inversion code comparison

Ricardo Gafeira-IA (co-chair)
Ivan Milic-KIS (co-chair)

Ricardo Gafeira

Workshop Website
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia