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Galactic Archaeology: Dimensional Reduction for Stellar Population Dissection

Andreas W. Neitzel

Galactic archaeology is the field of astronomy that seeks to understand the formation history of the Galaxy. The Galaxy, as we know it, is composed of different stellar populations characterized by distinct distributions of ages, chemical content, and kinematic properties of their constituent stars. Macroscopic structures, such as the disk and halo, can be further subdivided into substructures, including the low-α/high-α disk dichotomy and accreted streams from past merger events. The identification and characterization of stellar populations are key to understanding the formation history of the Galaxy; however, such subdivisions require non-trivial efforts to disentangle the high-dimensional chrono-chemo-kinematic parameter space. Machine learning may prove useful in this context, with various methodologies now starting to be employed in the field. In this talk, I will provide a quick review of the field of Galactic archaeology and present my ongoing machine learning results using dimensional reduction algorithms.

2023 December 14, 11:00

Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (Auditorium)
Rua das Estrelas, 4150-762 Porto

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia