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Fast Rotating Solar-like Stars Using Asteroseismic Datasets

R. A. García, T. Ceillier, T. L. Campante, G. R. Davies, S. Mathur, J.-C. Suárez, J. Ballot, O. Benomar, A. Bonanno, A. Brunn, W. J. Chaplin, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, S. Deheuvels, Y. Elsworth, R. Handberg, S. Hekker, A. Jiménez, C. Karoff, H. Kjeldsen, S. Mathis, B. Mosser, P. L. Pallé, M. H. Pinsonneault, C. Régulo, D. Salabert, V. Silva Aguirre, D. Stello, M. J. Thompson, G. A. Verner

The NASA Kepler mission is providing an unprecedented set of asteroseismic data. In particular, short-cadence light-curves (∼ 60 s samplings), allow us to study solar-like stars covering a wide range of masses, spectral types and evolutionary stages. Oscillations have been observed in around 600 out of 2000 stars observed for one month during the survey phase of the Kepler mission. The measured light curves can present features related to the surface magnetic activity (starspots) and, thus we are able to obtain a good estimate of the surface (differential) rotation. In this work we establish the basis of such research and we show a potential method to find stars with fast surface rotation.

Progress in Solar/Stellar Physics with Helio- and Asteroseismology.
H. Shibahashi, M. Takata, A.E. Lynas-Gray

Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Volume 462, Page 133
2012 September

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Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia