Lastest publications at IA (or with IA Researchers)M. L. Moriconi, J. I. Lunine, A. Adriani, E. D'Aversa, A. Negrão, G. Filacchione, A. Coradini, 2010,
Characterization of Titan's Ontario Lacus region from Cassini/VIMS observations,
Icarus, 210, 823 - 831
>> AbstractD. Grassi, A. Adriani, M. L. Moriconi, N. I. Ignatiev, E. D'Aversa, F. Colosimo, A. Negrão, L. Brower, B. M. Dinelli, A. Coradini, G. Piccioni, 2010,
Jupiter’s hot spots: Quantitative assessment of the retrieval capabilities of future IR spectro-imagers,
Planetary and Space Science, 58, 1265 - 1278
>> AbstractF. Tosi, R. Orosei, R. Seu, A. Coradini, J. I. Lunine, G. Filacchione, A. I. Gavrishin, F. Capaccioni, P. Cerroni, A. Adriani et al. (including: A. Negrão), 2010,
3872, Correlations between VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan: Implications for Titan’s surface properties,
Icarus, 208, 366 - 384
>> AbstractR. de Kok, P. G. J. Irwin, N. A. Teanby, S. Vinatier, F. Tosi, A. Negrão, S. Osprey, A. Adriani, M. L. Moriconi, A. Coradini, 2010,
A tropical haze band in Titan's stratosphere,
Icarus, 207, 485 - 490
>> Abstract