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Lastest publications at IA (or with IA Researchers)D. Burgarella, A. J. Bunker, R. J. Bouwens, L. Pagani, J. Afonso, H. Atek, M. Audard, S. Cabrit, K. Caputi, L. Ciesla et al. (including: D. Sobral), 2021,
Space Project for Astrophysical and Cosmological Exploration (SPACE), an ESA stand-alone mission and a possible contribution to the Origins Space Telescope,
Experimental Astronomy, 51, 625 - 660
>> AbstractM. Cirasuolo, A. Fairley, P. Rees, O. A. Gonzalez, W. Taylor, R. Maiolino, J. Afonso, C. J. Evans, H. Flores, S. Lilly et al. (including: M. Abreu, S. Amarantidis, J. Brinchmann, F. Buitrago, A. Cabral, L. S. M. Cardoso, J. Coelho, J. M. Gomes, A. Humphrey, I. Matute, H. Messias, A. Oliveira, P. Papaderos, C. Pappalardo, P. Santos, I. Tereno), 2020,
MOONS: The New Multi-Object Spectrograph for the VLT,
The Messenger, 180, 10 - 17
>> AbstractA. Paulino-Afonso, D. Sobral, B. Darvish, B. Ribeiro, I. Smail, P. Best, A. Stroe, J. Cairns, 2020,
VIS3COS III. Environmental effects on the star formation histories of galaxies at z ∼ 0.8 seen in [O II], Hδ, and Dn4000,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 633, 19
>> AbstractA. A. Khostovan, D. Sobral, B. Mobasher, J. Matthee, R. K. Cochrane, N. Chartab, M. Jafariyazani, A. Paulino-Afonso, S. Santos, J. Calhau, 2019,
The clustering of typical Ly α emitters from z ∼ 2.5–6: host halo masses depend on Ly α and UV luminosities,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489, 555 - 573
>> AbstractA. Paulino-Afonso, D. Sobral, B. Darvish, B. Ribeiro, A. van der Wel, J. P. Stott, F. Buitrago, P. Best, A. Stroe, J. E. M. Craig, 2019,
II. Nature and nurture in galaxy structure and morphology,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 630, 23
>> AbstractN. Golovich, W. A. Dawson, D. Wittman, R. J. van Weeren, F. Andrade-Santos, M. J. Jee, B. A. Benson, F. de Gasperin, T. Venturi, A. Bonafede, 2019,
Merging Cluster Collaboration: A Panchromatic Atlas of Radio Relic Mergers,
The Astrophysical Journal, 882
>> Abstract