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30th Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica

Participant’s Guide to the 30th ENAA

The entire meeting will take place online using more than one platform.

  • Talk Sessions: for these sessions we will use the platforms Zoom and Slack.
  • Poster Sessions: for these sessions we will use the VR platform Mozilla Hubs.
  • Conference Lunch: for the lunch we will use the VR platform Second Life.

Session Timing
Each session will obey the following timing:
  • 15 minutes before the session:the session chairs will start the Zoom meeting (see below for more information on how to access the meeting).

    For the speakers, the Zoom session will be open 30 minutes before the start of the meeting, in order for them to test their presentations.

  • 3 minutes before the session: the session chairs will start introducing the session.

Talk Sessions
In what follows, we give more information about the talk sessions and describe how they will be conducted throughout the whole conference.

  1. Every registered participant can access the whole conference sessions using the Zoom link that was provided to them by email.

    During the presentations, we ask all participants to turn their microphones and cameras off, in order to improve the connectivity and not to disturb the talks.

  2. Every participant should join the ENAA’s slack Workspace following the instructions in the email they received.

    Once you’ve joined the Slack’s ENAA workspace, you’ll have several channels where you can communicate. Here is a list of channels you can access and use for the following purposes:

    • #general : in this channel you can address everyone in the conference;
    • #contact_oc : in this channel you can address directly ENAA’s Organizing Committee;
    • #session_a (b, c, d, e, f) : in these channels you can discuss everything related to the specific session A (B, C, D, E or F) and write your questions or give indication to the chairs of these sessions that you have a question for the Extended Discussion.
  3. Each session will be comprised of one invited talk, followed by five contributed talks. There won't be a Q&A following each individual talk. All questions should be deferred until the Extended Discussion which will take place after the last session talk. There are two ways of asking questions to the speakers:

    • You can announce your intent to make a question using your own voice, on the appropriate Slack channel (e.g. in session D, write in #session_d), and wait for the chairs to call your name. At that point, please turn your microphone and camera on.
    • In case of any technical problem affecting the voice system of the participant, he/she can write the question on the appropriate Slack channel, and the chairs will present the question to the indicated speaker.

Poster Sessions
In what follows, we give more information about the poster sessions and describe how they will be conducted throughout the whole conference.
  1. The posters will be displayed at specific VR rooms in Mozilla Hubs (see instructions on the Mozilla Hubs Tutorial Guide). You can access these rooms at any time using your browser, by accessing the ENAA’s Hallway VR Room in Mozilla Hubs (links provided in the documents sent by email).

  2. During the Coffee Breaks the authors should be virtually nearby their poster to discuss and answer any question you have about their work.

Coffee Breaks
During coffee breaks, we encourage participants to view the poster exhibited in the VR rooms and interact with the authors. We also have the ENAA’s Hallway VR Room where the participants can gather and talk with each other.

Virtual Lunch
The Special 30th Anniversary of ENAA’s Virtual Lunch will take place in the VR world Second Life. The participants that wish to join this VR lunch, which will include a virtual exhibition of ENAA memorabilia, should create an account in, which takes no longer than 5 minutes. Once you create an account, you can download the Second Life Viewer and login. Once inside the virtual world, you’ll have an easy and intuitive 4 step tutorial that you can follow to know how to move inside this VR environment. More information on how to access the virtual venue in Second Life will be provided in a separate message.

NOTE: If you have trouble installing the Second Life Viewer, you can install the third-party viewer Firestrom.
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia