Seminars Cookie seminars
During 2023

Solar spectropolarimetry: A personal view
Jose Carlos del Toro Iniesta
2023 January 11, 13:30
IA/U.Coimbra, OGAUC (Meetings room)
>> See details

Detection and modeling of cool giants
Solène C. Ulmer-Moll
2023 January 12, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Progress of astronomy research at Kyambogo University
Benard Nsamba
2023 January 25, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Is There a 4th Law for Nonergodic Systems that Construct Their Expanding Phase Space?
Stuart A. Kauffman
2023 February 16, 14:30
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C1.4.14)
>> See details

Finding other Earths by observing the Sun: physical insights from ground- and space-based solar observations
Michael Palumbo
2023 March 01, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Evolution of magnetic activity of solar-like stars with age
Savita Mathur
2023 March 20, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Architecture of Kepler single exoplanet systems compared to star-planet evolution models
Rafael A. García
2023 March 22, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

An expedition to the dark universe
Bruno J. Barros
2023 March 29, 13:30
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C8.2.10)
>> See details

Teacher-researcher collaborations: bridging the gap between contemporary science and the classroom and the impact on teacher identity, self-efficacy and wellbeing
Rita Tojeiro
2023 April 12, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Some applications of thermodynamics to explore dark energy and inflation
David A. Tamayo Ramirez
2023 April 13, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Classroom)
>> See details

Dimming of light in general relativity: On the possibility of explaining cosmological observations without dark energy
Asta Heinesen
2023 April 19, 13:30
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C8.2.10)
>> See details

Exploring Machine Learning for the Euclid and Rubin/LSST Era
Andrew J. Humphrey
2023 April 20, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Asteroseismic inferences of red-giant internal magnetic fields
Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard
2023 April 26, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Exploring ISM Properties in Pristine Environments Throughout the Universe
Bethan James
2023 May 03, 14:00
IA, Online (Zoom)
>> See details

Gas and star formation in the nearby universe with the ALMA-MaNGA QUEnching and STar formation (ALMaQUEST) survey
Sara Ellison
2023 May 10, 15:30
IA, Online (Zoom)
>> See details

Coupled Quintessence in Flat and Closed Geometries
Elsa M. Teixeira
2023 May 25, 14:30
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C8.2.19)
>> See details

Exoplanets atmospheres in the 2020s: from the JWST to the E-ELTs
Vivien Parmentier
2023 May 31, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Multipoles in the Hubble and deceleration parameters: what does the theory has to say about it?
Jessica Santiago
2023 June 06, 14:30
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C8.2.19)
>> See details

Stellar magnetic field origin and impact during the stellar formation
Evelyne Alecian
2023 June 07, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Swirls, Information and Eddies, Cosmic and Chaotic
Mark Neyrinck
2023 June 14, 16:30
IA, Online (Zoom)
>> See details

First characterization of the precise structure of red-giant star cores
Mathieu Vrard
2023 June 21, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Exoplanet atmospheres at high spectral resolution: toward statistical surveys
Romain Allart
2023 July 05, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Exoplanet atmospheric dynamics - Observations in high spectral resolution
Julia V. Seidel
2023 July 11, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Neutral gas content in the ISM at the cosmic noon: a millimeter-based assessment
Hugo Messias
2023 July 13, 13:30
IA/U.Lisboa, OAL (Seminar room)
>> See details

FarSlayer: Turnkey Acceleration of Legacy Software on Commodity FPGA Cards and application to cosmological software
Sang-Woo Jun
2023 July 18, 11:00
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C8.1.69)
>> See details

A new parametric window for QCD axion dark matter
Rome Samanta
2023 July 26, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Biosignatures and Technosignatures. The Telescopic Search for Life Across Interstellar Distances.
Adam Frank
2023 September 27, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey
Claudia Mendes de Oliveira
2023 October 04, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Internal symmetries in Kaluza-Klein models
João Baptista
2023 October 16, 16:00
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C6.2.33)
>> See details

Dynamics of black holes and scalar fields
Miguel Zilhão
2023 October 25, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Bridging the gap: Translating high-resolution solar observations to the stellar regime
Alexander Pietrow
2023 November 08, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

The GLEAMing of the First Black Holes
Nicholas Seymour
2023 November 15, 10:30
IA, Online (Zoom)
>> See details

Astrobiology and Exoplanet Habitability: a Holistic Approach Joining Biology and Astrophysics
Afonso Morgado Mota
2023 November 22, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Constraining stellar and orbital co-evolution from the oscillating red-giant binaries revealed by Gaia DR3
Paul G. Beck
2023 November 29, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Chemical composition of M-type dwarf stars
Christian Duque-Arribas
2023 December 06, 13:15
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

The star formation history of nearby active galactic nuclei
Rogério Riffel
2023 December 13, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Number of records during 2023: 36 List all seminars during: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

For additional information contact the organizer of the seminars:
Bruno Barros
José Fonseca
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia