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<< latest conferences
Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars 2016
Using Today’s Successes to Prepare the Future
Joint TASC2 & KASC9 Workshop – SPACEINN & HELAS8 Conference

0) { $emailAlreadyRegistered = 1; } else { $emailAlreadyRegistered = NULL; } /* if ($remote_ip == "") { $emailError = NULL; $emailAlreadyRegistered = NULL; } */ // introdução dos valores na base de dados em caso de nao existencia de erro if (!$firstnameEmpty && !$lastnameEmpty && !$emailEmpty && !$passwordEmpty && !$checkPasswordEmpty&& !$passwordVerificationError && !$emailAlreadyRegistered && !$emailError && !$checkBoxPrivacyEmpty && !$feeTypeEmpty && !$social1Empty && !$social2Empty && !$social3Empty && !$instituteInvoiceEmpty && !$vatInvoiceEmpty && !$addressInvoiceEmpty && !$zipCodeInvoiceEmpty && !$cityInvoiceEmpty && !$countryInvoiceEmpty) { $sql_id = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM `$tablename`"; $result_id = mysql_query($sql_id); if (!$result_id) $id = 0; else $id = mysql_fetch_row($result_id); $id = $id[0] + 1; $id_hash = substr(hash('sha512',substr(hash('sha512',$id), 5, 10)), 5, 10); $sql = "INSERT INTO `$tablename` VALUES (NULL, '$firstname_db', '$lastname_db', '$email_db', '$institute_db', '$password_db', '$id_hash', '0', '0', '0' )"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $sql_data = "INSERT INTO `$tablenameData` VALUES (NULL, '$id_hash', '$participantList', '$companion', '$companionName_db', '$feeType', '$welcome', '$dinner', '$farewell', '$social1', '$social2', '$social3', '0', '0', '0', '0' )"; $result_data = mysql_query($sql_data); $sql_invoice = "INSERT INTO `$tablenameInvoice` VALUES (NULL, '$id_hash', '$instituteInvoice_db', '$vatInvoice_db', '$addressInvoice_db', '$zipCodeInvoice_db', '$cityInvoice_db', '$countryInvoice', '0', '0' )"; $result_invoice = mysql_query($sql_invoice); $sql_food = "INSERT INTO `$tablenameFoodRestrictions` VALUES (NULL, '$id_hash', '$foodRestrictions_db', '0' )"; $result_food = mysql_query($sql_food); if (!$result) die(mysql_error() . "

" . $sql); $flag_done=1; } else $textError = "

There was a problem with your registration, please verify the marked fields.

"; } $textTop="

Please fill the form below to register in this conference.

"; if ((isset($_POST['submit']))){ if (isset($textError)) $textTop.= $textError; if (isset($emailError)) $textTop.="

Please insert a valid email address!

"; if (isset($emailAlreadyRegistered)) { $textTop.="

This email is already registered."; } elseif ($flag_done) { if ($feeType == 1) { $totalDue = 300; $dueDate = "April 24"; } if ($feeType == 2) { $totalDue = 380; $dueDate = "June 1"; } if ($companion == 1) $totalDue += 90; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->Encoding = '8bit'; $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->SetFrom($confEmail, $confSignature . " LOC"); $mail->AddAddress($email, $firstname . " " . $lastname); $mail->AddCc($confEmail, $confSignature . " LOC"); $mail->Subject = $confSignature . " registration acknowledgment"; $mail->MsgHTML(" Dear ". $firstname_db . " ". $lastname_db .",

This is an automated message. Your registration for the " . $confSignature . " has been successfully submitted.
You may now login and review the submitted information.

Name: ".$lastname_db.", ".$firstname_db."
E-mail: ".$email."
Institution: ".$institute_db. "

Payment information
Payment of the registration fee is due on " . $dueDate . ", 2016. The total amount to be paid for your registration is " . $totalDue . "EUR.

The registration can be paid by bank transfer or through PayPal.

Bank Transfer
We require all international transfers to us to be made with OUR instruction. OUR instruction means you pay all transfer charges.

Please clearly identify your name when doing your transfer, and notify the LOC by e-mail ( In your e-mail, if possible please mention the reference code of the transfer (or any clear identifier), or send us a file with the bank's receipt.

Your registration will only be confirmed once we receive full payment of the registration fee.

Account Holder: Centro de Investigação em Astronomia/Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Bank Name: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Bank Adress: Praca Mouzinho de Albuquerque no 113, Edifício Brasília, PT-4100-359 Porto, Portugal
IBAN CODE : PT50 0035 0160 00061936230 05

Please login and access the Payment Status section.

Best regards,
" . $confSignature . " LOC"); $mail->Send(); ?>

Your registration has been successfully submitted. You may now use your email and password to login.


Payment Information
The registration can be paid by bank transfer or through PayPal.

Bank Transfer
We require all international transfers to us to be made with OUR instruction. OUR instruction means you pay all transfer charges.

Please clearly identify your name when doing your transfer, and notify the LOC by e-mail ( In your e-mail, if possible, please mention the reference code of the transfer (or any clear identifier), or send us a file with the bank's receipt.

Account Holder: Centro de Investigação em Astronomia/Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Bank Name: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Bank Adress: Praça Mouzinho de Albuquerque no 113, Edifício Brasília, PT-4100-359 Porto, Portugal
IBAN CODE : PT50 0035 0160 00061936230 05




Your registration will only be confirmed once we receive full payment of the registration fee.

E-mail This field is mandatory!"; ?>

First Name This field is mandatory!"; ?>

Last Name This field is mandatory!"; ?>

Institution This field is mandatory!"; ?>

Password This field is mandatory!"; ?> The passwords don't match!"; ?>

Re-type password This field is mandatory!"; ?>

I accept that my name is included in the list of participants />

Will you bring an accompanying person? onclick="document.getElementById('companionFee').checked = this.checked; document.getElementById('companionName').disabled=!this.checked;" />

If so, please input the accompanying person's name:

For organization purposes only, we ask you to please indicate below whether you plan to participate in the events included in the social programme:

Welcome drinks (Sunday, July 10, starting at 18:30) >
Conference Dinner (Wednesday, July 13, starting at 19:30) >
Farewell Drinks (Friday, July 15, starting at 18:30) >

If you have any dietary restrictions, please describe them in the box below:

Excursion (Wednesday, July 13, afternoon)
Please indicate the activities by order of preference, where 1 is you preferred option. Please note that some of the activities have a maximum number of participants. Please indicate your preference for all options."; ?>

  1 2 3
Boat trip onclick="document.getElementById('soc21').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc31').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc12').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc13').checked = this.disabled;" > onclick="document.getElementById('soc11').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc13').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc22').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc32').checked = this.disabled;"> onclick="document.getElementById('soc11').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc12').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc23').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc33').checked = this.disabled;">
Hiking trails onclick="document.getElementById('soc11').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc31').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc22').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc23').checked = this.disabled;"> onclick="document.getElementById('soc12').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc32').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc21').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc23').checked = this.disabled;"> onclick="document.getElementById('soc13').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc33').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc21').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc22').checked = this.disabled;">
Island trip onclick="document.getElementById('soc11').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc21').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc32').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc33').checked = this.disabled;"> onclick="document.getElementById('soc12').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc22').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc31').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc33').checked = this.disabled;"> onclick="document.getElementById('soc13').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc23').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc31').checked = this.disabled; document.getElementById('soc32').checked = this.disabled;">


Fee type
All lunches, coffee breaks, social program, and proceedings are included in the participants' registration fee.

The registration fee for accompanying person includes the social program only (conference dinner, welcome and farewell drinks, and excursion).

Please indicate below your choice(s) regarding registration

Participant early - €300 (due on April 24, 2016)>
Participant late - €380 (due on June 1, 2016)>
Accompanying person - €90 (due on June 1, 2016)


Invoice Information - Please fill in ALL fields below. If the information regarding any of these fields is not required for invoices in your country, then please use N/A in the corresponding field(s).

Name of institution This field is mandatory!"; ?>

VAT number (or the equivalent tax number used in your country of origin) This field is mandatory!"; ?>

Address This field is mandatory!"; ?>

Zip Code This field is mandatory!"; ?>

City This field is mandatory!"; ?>

Country This field is mandatory!"; ?>

Privacy statement

The information detailed in your submission will be used solely for the purpose of this conference and will not be disclosed to other parties.
According to Portuguese law, all users have the right to access, update or delete their personal data. You can do this by contacting the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço.

/> I agreeYou must agree with the privacy statement!"; ?>

Thank you for your interest in this event. Please click the button bellow to register.


Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia