Incentive Program for the Training of Excellence of Young Researchers in Astrophysics and Space Sciences

Pursuant to its goal of providing high-quality training in astrophysics and related subjects at all academic levels, the IA has set up a program of Scientific Initiation Studentships (BICs).

For 2016 the following projects are available:

  1. Cartografando o lado escuro do universo
    Carlos Martins (IA-Porto)
  2. Paleontologia cósmica: à procura de fósseis do universo primitivo
    Carlos Martins (IA-Porto)
  3. Testes da universalidade das leis da física
    Carlos Martins (IA-Porto)
  4. Multi-wavelengths analysis of low luminosity galaxies behind the Virgo cluster
    Ciro Pappalardo (IA-Lisboa)
  5. A complete understanding of the Far InfraRed sources detected with the ESA mission Herschel
    Ciro Pappalardo (IA-Lisboa)
  6. Dust as a probe of galactic environment
    Ciro Pappalardo (IA-Lisboa)
  7. Detection of strongly lensed galaxies using Herschel
    Ciro Pappalardo (IA-Lisboa)
  8. The importance of star-formation, black-hole accretion and other physical mechanisms into the Far-IR-radio correlation
    Ciro Pappalardo (IA-Lisboa)
  9. Extending General Relativity using black holes
    Diego Rubiera-Garcia and Diego Sáez-Gómez (IA-Lisboa)
  10. How old is the Universe?
    Diego Rubiera-Garcia and Diego Sáez-Gómez (IA-Lisboa)
  11. Searching for signatures of dark energy in the laboratory
    Ippocratis Saltas (IA-Lisboa)
  12. Chaotic dynamics in novel Hamiltonian systems
    Ippocratis Saltas (IA-Lisboa)
  13. Chromospheric emission as a proxy for stellar activity: a tool for the detection of exoplanets
    João J. G. Lima and Pedro Figueira (IA-Porto)
  14. Generic Interactions in Cosmology
    Nelson J. Nunes (IA-Lisboa)
  15. Investigando as fontes variáveis detectadas pela missão espacial Gaia
    Sonia Antón (IA-Lisboa) and Catarina Lobo (IA-Porto)
  16. Search for transiting planets in K2 light curves
    Susana C. C. Barros (IA-Porto)
  17. Starburst activity and extended ionized gas emission in blue compact galaxies
    Polychronis Papaderos and Jean Michel Gomes (IA-Porto)
  18. Simulações hidrodinâmicas de N-corpos em cosmologia: Formação e evolução das estruturas cósmicas
    António da Silva (IA-Lisboa)
  19. Stellar populations for massive disk galaxies
    Fernando Buitrago (IA-Lisboa)
  20. Using Hubble Space Telescope imaging to the full
    Fernando Buitrago (IA-Lisboa)
  21. Exploring quasar properties at the Edge of the Universe
    José Afonso (IA-Lisboa)
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia